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What are the types of pituitary adenoma?

What are the symptoms of pituitary adenoma?

How do you know if you have a pituitary adenoma?

How is pituitary adenoma surgery performed?

My Pituitary Adenoma surgeries: I published in the book "Basic Neuroendoscopy" edited by GATA Brain and Nerve Surgery Clinic and I describe endoscopic pituitary adenoma surgeries...

What is Cushing's Disease?

Cushing's disease caused by pituitary adenoma is a condition of excessive cortisol production in the body due to excessive secretion of the ACTH hormone. Excessive production of cortisol causes Cushing's Disease...


Craniopharyngiomas can be seen in childhood or adulthood. The adamantinomatous type is usually seen in childhood and the papillary type is most common in adulthood...

Watch endoscopic pituitary adenoma surgery with iMRI

iMRI means taking an MRI during surgery. When surgery is performed on a very large pituitary adenoma, a tumor may be left behind at the end of the surgery...


Acromegaly disease caused by pituitary adenoma: Pituitary adenomas that secrete growth hormone, called acromegaly, cause growth in hands and feet, elongation in the chin, nose...

Skull base repair and closure techniques in endoscopic approaches

Turkish Neurosurgery Association Surgical Neuroanatomy Teaching and Training Group Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Course was held in November 2013. 'Skull base repair and...

Prof. Dr. Bülent DÜZ

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